Tree Tops - Hammock Camping

Unit Description

One platform tent with four cots and mattresses. Four platforms with space for 3 hammocks. Bring your own tent 2-3 tents max 9 people. Open-sided unit shelter with picnic tables, charcoal grill, unit equipment, electricity, latrines, water and fire ring. There are no shower facilities available at this unit. Unit shelter, power outlets and latrine are lit by solar power. Limit your use of power supplied items. You must provide your own toilet paper, paper towels, hand soap, heavy-duty garbage bags and cleaning supplies.

There is limited parking at this unit. Please contact the camp staffin advance to ensure access.


Accessibility to this unit for a person using a wheelchair or with limited mobility would require assistance. Entrance into the unit is steep, hilly and rugged. The general terrain at the unit is gently sloping and flat in some areas. The unit shelter fire ring have wheel in access. There is no tent in this unit with ramp access.

This unit has a latrine that is accessible to a person using a wheelchair, however the terrain approaching the latrine would be difficult to navigate for a person with mobility restriction and there is a slight step into the building. There is an accessible stall with grab bars. There are no shower facilities available at this unit. 

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